
Exhibition open-call

The MSU Museum CoLab Studio invites bold and innovative proposals for our upcoming exhibition, Singularity. This exhibition and public programming series unravels the enigmatic and transformative concept of the technological singularity, a point in time which artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence, leading to rapid technological growth and unpredictable change in human civilization. Specifically, this exhibition will examine the singularity through the following subthemes:

  • Humanity Redefined: works that examine evolving identities, ethics, and mental health/wellness in a post-singularity era;
  • Artificial Minds, Creative Souls: works that showcase and critique AI's potential in art and creativity, challenging our understanding of innovation
  • Democracy through an Algorithmic Lens: a critical examination of the singularity's impact on democratic institutions, considering both the strengthening and erosion of foundational democratic principles in an era of intelligent machines. 

Through these lenses, the exhibition aims to illuminate the myriad pathways our society might traverse in the shadow of singularity, prompting profound reflection on our collective destiny. 

What We Are Looking For

We seek proposals that explore and speculate on the future impact of rapid, technological developments in AI, grounded in the intersections of art, science, and ethics. This exhibition examines the utopian and dystopian aspects of continued advances in artificial intelligence, algorithms, and artificial superintelligence that eventually surpass human intelligence, challenging and redefining human society. Singularity navigates through the confluence of technology, philosophy, art, and democratic society, inviting visitors to explore a world where the boundaries between human intellect and artificial intelligence blur.

How to Submit 

We welcome submissions from artists, designers, scientists, engineers, psychologists, gamers, researchers, performers, storytellers, activists, musicians, students – in short, pretty much anyone with a creative idea that addresses our themes. Your proposal might be for: 

  • An exhibit (new or existing artwork, research project, virtual reality game, visualizations, etc.) 
  • A program or event (performance, panel discussion, facilitated workshop, etc.) 

We are especially enthusiastic to see proposals that are hands-on and invite interaction and participation from visitors. For tips on making a strong submission, check out our FAQ page.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: July 4, 2025
  • Results Announcement: September 2025
  • Exhibition Opening: August/September 2026
  • Exhibition Closing: December 2026


Projects are funded for up to $3,000 USD. Allowable costs include (but are not limited to) materials, construction and production costs, and shipping to/from East Lansing, MI. Proposals require a budget draft upon submission.

Curatorial Team

Our curatorial team includes students, MSU Museum staff, and subject-matter experts, ensuring a multidisciplinary and diverse collection of experiences.

Contact Us

First, read through our FAQ page. For any additional questions, please contact the CoLab Studio Creative Director, Mark Sullivan (

We can't wait to see your innovative and impactful proposals! 

The MSU Museum CoLab Studio is looking for ten passionate students at Michigan State to each give an Ignite talk on their research! You can be any type or level of student at MSU, doing a project in any field of research. Ignite talks are a creative way to communicate one big idea in 5 minutes flat, using only 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds. We want speakers who will connect with the audience as they amuse, educate, enlighten, and inspire them. Previous public speaking or stage experience is not required!  

Ignite Talks MSU #5 will be held on Wednesday October 29, 2025 at 7-8:30pm at 311 Abbot in downtown East Lansing. Selected speakers will be notified by September 19; they will be required to attend a research communication workshop on Wednesday September 24 at 5-7pm and a dress rehearsal on Wednesday October 22 at 5-7pm at 311 Abbot in East Lansing.

Looking to attend Ignite Talks MSU, not present? RSVP here!

Immersive Visualization Institute (IVI): Summer Institute about Digital Display Technology Platforms

June 2-5, 2025, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, schedule to be determined

This in-person summer institute allows a cohort of graduate students and faculty mentors to explore the pedagogic possibilities of three exciting large-scale immersive visualization display platforms available at MSU:

  • The Abrams Planetarium
Digital Scholarship Lab 360 Room
 at MSU Libraries
  • Science On a Sphere at the MSU Museum
(Due to Museum renovations, Science On a Sphere will be unavailable for in-person visits this session. However, its pedagogical possibilities will be explored through photos and videos.)

Immersive Visualization Institute (IVI) Graduate Fellows will learn about the affordances and limitations of each technology and how they are best suited for different types of visual representation. Participants will learn techniques for producing content for these displays and explore interdisciplinary ideas for capitalizing on one or more of the platforms. This is a great opportunity to learn how to apply the technologies to your work and experiment with inter-disciplinary ideas. Participants are expected to produce a participation outcome using one of the technologies (e.g., teaching module, research study design, outreach program element, work of art) by August 18, 2025. The time commitment for producing a product varies, but participants should plan time during June-August for consultation with an IVI facilitator, draft, editing, and final version. (Those creating content for Science On a Sphere can display their work when the MSU Museum reopen in January 2026.)

Applicants are invited from across the entire university, and all disciplines and interdisciplinary perspectives are welcome. Graduate students may apply individually or with a faculty member mentor. (Faculty members do not receive a stipend.) Selection is competitive and limited to 15 graduate students. A $500.00 stipend is awarded to participating students. Students must be enrolled for Summer 2025 semester in order to participate. Please consult with your academic and financial aid advisors before applying to determine potential impacts related to your enrollment and receiving a stipend. 

In the workshops, participants will:

  • Assess and compare the learning and other affordances of different immersive display platforms

  • Explore ways to experience and teach complex natural and/or cultural phenomena through immersive representations and narratives

  • Practice designing digital products for display using the three projection spaces

  • Develop a final product
  • Submit their final product to the IVI Summer Institute facilitators by August 18, 2025

Participants will experience the capabilities of the Abrams Planetarium, the 360 immersive display space in the Digital Scholarship Lab at the MSU Libraries, and Science On a Sphere at the MSU Museum to engage people in a wide range of phenomena.

Co-conveners include MSU Graduate School, Abrams Planetarium, MSU Libraries, and MSU Museum. The application deadline has been extended to March 30, 2025 by 11:59 PM. Applicants will be notified of acceptance decisions by April 9, 2025. Please email questions to

MSU Museum